Can Dental Bridges Improve Chewing and Aesthetic Appearance, Murfreesboro?

Missing your teeth could turn out to be a person’s worst nightmare. It could not just affect one’s personality but also their social standing. Apart from this, it is going to affect your oral as well as your general overall health. Therefore, if something is going wrong with our teeth, it is recommended that we get them fixed or replaced. Restorative dental treatments could come in handy in such situations. One such dental restorative method is that of the dental bridges.

Dental bridges are customized porcelain and metal fused options which can be used to our mouth, specifically our dental aesthetics, to make them look aesthetically pleasing.They help span the gaps of our teeth, about two to three teeth consecutively. Usually, the dental bridges go along with dental crowns, which are further placed over the bridges to give them additional support and aesthetic appearance of natural teeth. Sometimes, dental implants and dental bridges tend to go together for people who are missing a couple of teeth together, from the root. All in all, bridges tend to match the exact color and shape of our natural surrounding teeth, and thus they tend not to just improve our dental appearances, but also give us other numerous benefits.

Aesthetic appearances:

When we miss our teeth, it can cause a rather quick effect to our facial tissues- cheeks and lips. These tissues tend to sag over some time, giving our face a droopy look. This along with missing teeth could make us appear over-aged. By using dental bridges as gap fillers inside our mouth, our face, as well as our facial aesthetics, could get the right amount of support which is needed. The dental bridges are not artificial looking or unnatural looking; rather they replicate our natural teeth in a jiffy and give our mouth its much needed lifelike appearance back. With the help of dental bridges, one can smile with poise and confidence while looking joyful and young.

Chewing abilities:

When people miss teeth, a certain shift is seen in their mouth, due to which their teeth become misaligned. This shift could potentially lead to TMJ disorders, or biting issues as we call them. The TMJ issues or the TemporoMandibular Joint disorders are sorts of gaps that are left in your mouth which could lead to various issues in our eating and speaking habits. Difficulty in chewing is the most difficult to heal, which cannot be compensated with and can lead to major damage to our overall health. Replacing your missing teeth with dental bridges can allow you to chew your food with ease and comfort, and can also have the potential to improve your speed disorders. Dental bridges are known to reduce all forms of slurring and non-clarity of sounds because of gaps.

For the best dental services visit our clinic. Get your smile back through our restorative dental bridge treatments. Call us and book your appointments- (615) 236-6801. Or visit us- Indian Hills Dentistry. 2850 S. Church Street, Murfreesboro, TN 37127.