Have bad breath? Here’s why visiting your Murfreesboro dentist is important

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Halitosis, commonly known as bad breath, is a common, embarrassing problem that affects millions.  While there are good at-home remedies for bad breath, there may be times when a visit to your Murfreesboro dentist is the only thing that can make a big difference.  Have bad breath? Here’s why visiting your Murfreesboro dentist is important.

You may try to cover up bad breath with breath mints and chewing gum, so you know that it’s not a permanent solution and rarely works as well a visit to your Murfreesboro dentist.  Bad breath can linger even if you’ve taken extra care to brush, floss and use mouthwash, and at that point you should strongly consider a visit to your Murfreesboro dentist.  You’ll learn from your Murfreesboro dentist that certain health problems, medications, foods and of course poor dental hygiene are common causes of bad breath.  Smoking can also cause bad breath, so it’s a good idea to kick the habit as well as get treatment from your Murfreesboro dentist.


When you visit your Murfreesboro dentist for dental services, you may diagnosed with dry mouth, another common cause of bad breath.  Your Murfreesboro dentist may prescribe a special mouthwash to deal with dry mouth after checking for and treating any problems with your teeth and gums.  Another common cause of bad breath is gum disease, so visiting your Murfreesboro dentist for dental services to treat this problem can help cure bad breath.  You’ll also be able to avoid tooth loss due to gum disease with treatment from your Murfreesboro dentist.