Tips to help care for your baby’s new teeth

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Whether you’re a new parent, or you’ve been down this road before, caring for the health of your child’s teeth and gums should be a priority.  It may not seem necessary to start caring for your baby’s oral health before their baby teeth erupt, but it’s important to start as early as possible.  This involves visiting your Murfreesboro pediatric dentistry specialist when your child is as young as one year old.  Keep reading for tips to help care for your baby’s new teeth.

  1. As mentioned above, getting dental care early in life is extremely important for maintaining good oral health for life. Scheduling a first appointment with your Murfreesboro pediatric dentistry specialist will help reduce risks of tooth decay, which can start as soon as your child’s first tooth erupts.


  1. Before your child even has their first tooth, you should be aware that healthy gums mean healthy teeth in the future. Bacteria can settle on your baby’s gums and cause inflammation.  With the guidance of your Murfreesboro pediatric dentistry specialist, you can take steps to limit bacteria in your baby’s mouth by wiping with a damp cloth or gauze.


  1. When your child’s teeth begin to erupt, you can ask your Murfreesboro pediatric dentistry specialist about getting your baby’s first toothbrush. You should always have the right tools for any job, and that includes the job of caring for your baby’s teeth.  Your Murfreesboro pediatric dentistry specialist can recommend a toothbrush made especially for children that can be used in your baby’s oral health care regimen.