Promoting the dental health of your children is our goal here at Indian Hills Dentistry, which is why we offer pediatric dentistry services that would take care of their oral health needs and help them avoid dental health problems that could result to long term complications.

Our Pediatric Dentists are trained to promote oral and dental health of your children from birth through their teen years. They have the experience and are well knowledgeable in terms of taking good care of a child’s mouth, teeth and gums through their adolescence including the ones with special health needs. They specialize on handling dental problems and providing dental care to prevent oral problems that could possible cause long term complications and diseases.


In many cases, children are being treated by general dentists. But if you are able to bring your child to a pediatric dentists, comprehensive oral health care can be provided such as infant oral health exams, habit counselling (e.g. use of pacifier and thumb sucking), diagnosis of oral conditions associated  with some serious diseases like heart disease and diabetes, and care for dental injuries particular to children.

Children also need a special kind of care that requires more patience than what adults need, as they are not always able to be cooperative during dental visits and exams. Pediatric dentists are skilled and are experts on treating children while making them feel comfortable. In addition, they also have equipment in offices that are designed especially for children. You can be assured that they can provide the best possible care for your child’s oral health.


In order to reduce your child’s apprehension and uneasiness with the dental visit, you may need to manage your child’s reaction by talking to them about it and making it sound as if it is a very exciting event. You may also need to make them understand the significance of the visit. And as a parent, you will also need to know beforehand, the procedures that are going to be performed.


Children are prone and vulnerable to various oral conditions and diseases. They are dependent on adults to take care of their health in all aspects, and health related behaviors are acquired and determined by their families. Parents, especially, have a vital role in protecting their children from acquiring oral disease and are responsible in making sure they receive immediate and prompt management.

Simple practices and habits can be done at home as early as the child’s first tooth appearance. It can be done with the use of a soft bristled toothbrush and small dab of toothpaste. As the child grows older, he or she should be encouraged to learn brushing their teeth with parent’s supervision and parent’s example.

Preventing oral diseases is rather less costly than curing detected problems, therefore it is essentially beneficial. This will also reduce suffering experienced by children, discomfort and lifelong complications.

And if you have concerns about your child’s dental health, ask your pediatric dentist.


  • TOOTH DECAY – Tooth Decay also known as cavity or dental caries, can be caused by lack of dental care and not brushing your child’s teeth enough. For toddlers, there is also a condition known as baby bottle tooth decay, which is caused by going to bed with a bottle. The milk from the bottle sits in the baby’s mouth and create a breeding ground for bacteria. To prevent this, monitor and control your child’s unhealthy eating habits and make sure to give your child water to drink before going to bed.
  • GUM DISEASE – There are three types of gum or periodontal disease in children: Chronic Gingivitis, Aggressive Periodontitis and Generalized Aggressive Periodontitis. These are indicated by the following signs: Bleeding, Puffiness and Recession. To avoid these diseases, it is a must to encourage good dental hygiene in adolescence that include brushing and flossing and regular dental care and visits.
  • TOOTH SENSITIVITY– sensitivity refers to the pain or discomfort felt from consuming hot or cold food and beverages. This is due to the enamel wearing off, and recession of gums exposing the interior of the tooth and causing irritation of the nerve endings.

Contact Indian Hills Dentistry for best pediatric dentistry in murfreesboro . Conveniently Located Off I-24,Indian Hills Dentistry, 2850 S. Church Street, Murfreesboro, TN 37127