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Root canal treatment has always been associated with pain, and it has always been perceived as a painful procedure. No wonder many people would rather have a tooth extracted instead of preserving their teeth with the help of a root canal treatment. Here’s what you need to know about root canal therapy.

Root canal therapy or treatment is designed to save a severely decayed tooth so that an extraction will no longer have to be required and to help a patient preserve their permanent tooth. This treatment involves the removal of the infected part of your tooth which is the pulp. The pulp is the part of your tooth that contains the blood vessels as well as the nerve endings. There are various reasons behind the infection of a pulp, it could be because of a deep cavity, a cracked tooth, a trauma, injury or several dental procedures that the tooth already went through. The term root canal is referred to as the canals inside the roots of your tooth.

When the pulp begins to be damaged or infected, it has to be addressed or removed right away to prevent the spread of bacteria within the pulp chamber. If left untreated, it can result to an abscess. An abscess is an indication that the bacteria has already spread past the roots of your tooth. You can tell that the pulp is already infected when you suffer from the following conditions:

  • When there is inflammation of swelling of the other parts of your body such as face, neck and head
  • When there is bone loss at the tips of your tooth roots
  • When there is drainage problems starting from the roots and extends to the gums and through the skin

If you want to save your tooth from being pulled out, you still have a hope in order to save it, and root canal treatment is an ideal solution. In contrary to the belief of the people who fear undergoing this treatment, root canal therapy does not hurt. What causes the pain is the infected pulp which has to be removed to discontinue the pain and discomfort.

How is a root canal therapy performed?

An infected or inflamed pulp needs a root canal treatment before the infection spreads within the pulp chamber and to the other teeth and structures in your mouth. Before performing the root canal therapy, the dentist will have to make sure the procedure is painless by administering a local anesthetic. You will have to wait until you feel numbness especially in the area of the tooth that needs the treatment.

Once you feel numbness, your dentist will start the procedure by drilling an access hole so that he can get access to the infected pulp. After the drilling, the dentist will remove the damaged pulp and you should not be feeling any pain because you are under a local anesthetic. After removing the pulp, the dentist will be cleaning the root canal and will have it disinfected before it will be filled by a material called gutta percha. After the filling comes the sealing of the tooth and it will be restored by a crown for protection. When the procedure is done, your tooth will begin to function and like the rest of your natural teeth. Your dentist may also be prescribing medications or antibiotic to avoid infection. Make sure to stick to the instructions that your dentist provides you to reduce the discomfort, if there is any, after the treatment.

Why choose a root canal therapy?

  • Root canal treatment can restore the natural functions of your tooth especially chewing, biting and eating.
  • It can restore the appearance of your tooth and blend in with the rest of your natural teeth without the need for tooth replacement
  • It restores your normal biting force
  • It increases the protection of the teeth against wearing and staining

Now that you have more knowledge about root canal therapy, you should know that this is not something you should be scared of, because its only purpose is not to hurt you, but to improve your tooth’s appearance, function and health.

If you want to know more about root canal therapy, you can call Indian Hills Dentistry at (615) 236-6801, or visit us at 2850 S. Church Street, Murfreesboro, TN 37127.